Friday, February 21, 2014

Elder Talk - Newcomers

And now it's time for another segment of Elder Talk. This is a series where elders give advice, opinions, or suggestions. Or whatever else is on their minds. Today's post is another one from myself, Shuck:

So a newcomer requests, "DRAGON!" I gave him archers because the Shucked clan expects you to donate before we start handing out high end troops.

He says, "Oh, I love archers."

I say, "Oh! Sarcasm! Can I try? I love newcomers that request high end troops they can't even make themselves!"

Needless to say, he left the clan.  As a clan leader this is extremely frustrating and I see it ALL the time.  We have a pretty tight knit clan and are all very generous in our giving.  To have a hopper, or you could call one a freeloader, just drop by to request high end troops is absurd!  It's unfortunate that we live in a day and age where there are so many who expect handouts without giving anything back.  Take a life lesson, people, you have to contribute to get something in return.

This has been Elder Talk. Thanks for reading.

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