Monday, April 28, 2014

Clan War Results - 8 & 9

Every two wars a Shucked participation statistic chart will be posted. These charts are not to embarrass anyone. They are meant to make the Clan stronger. We should not only be concerned with quantity of attacks but also with quality of our attacks. The War Results will provide necessary feedback to the Shucked clan members to increase our win percentage! The clan members in this chart are all listed in war, those who left or were kicked remain on the list for data logging purposes.

In order to increase the clan's quality of War attacks I've decided to post Clan statistics every two wars starting with our last two wars (8 & 9). We have done well in our battles, winning 8 or 9 since the Clan Wars update, but I think we can do better! Onto the chart:

Wars Against: Surabaya 1st (W 66-48) & BOSS CLAN 1 (W 79-31)

I'm sure some of this may look foreign, see below for a chart explanation:

RATE - Player Rating
ATK - Attack Rating
DEF - Defense Rating
A% - Percentage of buildings destroyed (Max of 400%)
A★ - Number of stars earned (Max of 12)
A# - Number of bases attacked
D% - Percentage of buildings destroyed (Max of 400%)
D★ - Number of stars earned by enemy (Max of 6)
D# - Number of enemy attacks (Max 2)

ATK = (A% / 400 + A★ / 12 + A# / 4) * 100
DEF = (D% / 200 + D★ / 6) * 100

Minimum Goal - This is used as an absolute minimum. If everyone produced these results in a 30 x 30 war, Shucked would receive a minimum of 60 stars per war. This is a good start but we should all shoot for higher goals than this.

Blue numbers are possible Town Halls that were left outside walls. This conclusion was based on destruction % vs. number of stars scored against base. If the % was less than 50% but the enemy clan received 1 star, then this was noted in blue.
Red numbers are under performing values. These values are determined from the following equations.

RATE < Minimum Goal
ATK < Minimum Goal
A% / A# < 50%
A★ < Minimum Goal
DEF > Minimum Goal
D% / D# > 50%
D★ > Minimum Goal

As you might see, we have a long way to go for perfection!

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