Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Town Hall - Level 3 - Trophy Hunting

Town Hall 3 starts to get interesting.  You can now rebuild the Clan Castle and start seeking out Clans!  Notable additions to this Town Hall: the Mortar and the Laboratory.  The Mortar adds an absolutely necessary splash damage to your defense and the Laboratory lets you start upgrading your troops.  Upgrading your troops quickly is essential to having productive raids.

Below are several charts on the available buildings at Town Hall 3.  They show some very valuable information.  Please always double check the wiki to make sure these values are up-to-date.  The graphic I use to represent each building in my layout is also shown on the far right.

Defensive Buildings

Resource Buildings

Army Buildings

Other Buildings

Layout / Base Perimeter
Calling this base a Trophy base is a stretch really.  There really aren't enough walls and defenses to fully protect your Town Hall at this level.  That said I believe this protects it well.

It's around this time that I got my third Builder.  If you don't have a third you can simply remove the Builder's Hut from the top corner of this layout.

Trap Placement
Bombs really don't do a ton of damage but it at least gives you a little extra splash damage.  I've put them in front of the Town Hall to slow down attacking troops.  Hopefully by placing the Army camp next to the Town Hall attackers will place their troops in the opening closest to the Bombs.

Mortar Coverage
What I've tried to do here is place the Mortar so that it is almost dead center of the base.  The main thing you want here is to be able to place your outside buildings so that an Archer has to come far enough forward to be hit by the Mortar.  Archers have a range of 3.5 units.  The buildings that could be attacked by Archers that are out of range of the Mortar are the two Barracks, the bottom Army Camp, and the bottom Gold Mine and Elixer Collectors.  You will not always be able to protect everything so protect your storages first of all.

Barbarians and Goblins will be hit as well.  They key with them is that you don't want the inner ring of the Mortar to be past the middle of a building.  Troop range is determined by the middle of the attacker to the middle of the building.

Cannon Coverage
The idea here is to double Cannon coverage on the Mortar.  You want to protect the Mortar as well as possible so that it can continue to wipe out attacking troops. They also double cover the two storages on the left.  The bottom Cannon also covers the Gold Mine and Elixer Collector that the Mortar couldn't.

Archer Tower Coverage
Since the two Cannons are covering the left side of the base I moved the Archer Tower slightly to the right but still center enough to cover the majority of the base.  I wanted it to fill in the gaps of coverage that still needed protecting.

Clan Castle Reinforcements
Ah, the Clan Castle!  This is probably one of the most underestimated of your defenses.  It is imperative that you join a Clan (give Shucked a shout!) so that you can always have reinforcements if you're attacked.  You can see that the Clan Castle covers a lot of area in your base.  I tend to stick it near the middle of the base or close to my Town Hall for extra protection.  The basic idea is that the Clan Castle troops become an annoyance.  While the attacker is trying to get rid of them your defenses, your donated troops are killing the attacker's troops off faster.  The attacker will also have to use more of their army to get rid of the Clan Caste troops.  This means less troops to attack the rest of your base.

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