Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Town Hall - Level 5 - Trophy Hunting

Now we're starting to have some fun!  Wizards, Towers, and Spells oh my!  Town Hall 5 brings with it the ability to train Wizards and make a Wizard Tower.  Spells can be useful later on but aren't as important at this level.  See my explanation of attacking with Lightning Spells in my Attacking Guidelines post.

Below are several charts on the available buildings at Town Hall 5.  They show some very valuable information.  Please always double check the wiki to make sure these values are up-to-date.  The graphic I use to represent each building in my layout is also shown on the far right.

Defensive Buildings

Resource Buildings

Army Buildings

Other Buildings

Layout / Base Perimeter
The whole idea of this base it to protect the Town Hall.  All the defenses are arranged so that it is protected.  The Wizard Tower, Mortar, and Air Defense are all located near the center.  The Archer Towers and Cannons are triangulated around it.  There are double layer walls on either side of the Town Hall and the Clan Castle lingers near.  If someone destroys your Town Hall it's because they probably destroyed your whole base.  Storages are covered but not as thoroughly.

Note: If you don't have all the Builder's Huts shown you can remove the two from the corners.  The two next to the base are placed for defensive purposes.

Trap Placement
At Town Hall 5 you get Air Bombs and two more regular Bombs.  I've placed the Air Bombs up top.  They are similar to regular ones except that they attack air units only. At this level that would mean Balloons.  One Air Bomb will take about half of a Balloon's hit points so it's not a bad trap, especially considering there's an Air Defense and Wizard Tower right after it.

The lower half of the base I created a semi-funnel channel.  I say semi because I used the walls I would normally funnel Giants through on either side of the Spring Trap to double layer around the Town Hall.  You should still catch a few Giants flying but it won't be quite as effective.  It still serves its purpose though.  For those that go around, they'll get a little extra damage from the Bombs.  The main idea with this channel is to have the Giants attack each of the defenses within while the Wizard Tower and Mortar takes them out with their splash damage.  And since there are five defenses in this channel, unless they have a Wall Breaker to crash through the middle, the Giants will split into two groups attacking each defense in the channel.  This protects your center core but leaves you vulnerable at your Storages.

Mortar Coverage
Not much to say here.  Mortar is near the center, covering defenses and storages.

Wizard Tower Coverage
The Wizard Tower is central to the base to maximize it's splash damage where it's needed.  It protects most of your storages and several of your defenses.

Cannon Coverage
Triangulation!  Putting Cannons in a circular pattern equally around the base is always the best way to protect your buildings.  The only thing that would've been better was to have at least one Cannon covering another but it would've squeezed them in too close and messed up the overall base design.

Archer Tower Coverage
Same concept as the Cannons above.  The Archer Towers are arranged in a triangular pattern around the base.

One thing to note here is that I placed a lone Wall in the very bottom of the base.  This is smart to do when you have a long ranged defense.  By placing the Wall there I force the attacker to place troops further away from the base.  While the troops walk into range of the targeted buildings the Archer Tower is continually hitting them for damage.

Air Defense Coverage
Even though I don't believe Balloons will be much of a common attack strategy at this level, the idea for this base is to protect the Town Hall.  Putting the Air Defense in the core of the base gives the best protection against any air attacks.

Clan Castle Reinforcements
Honestly,  this base design was so tight that I couldn't find the best place to put the Clan Castle.  Here it's protecting the top of your base but more than likely you'll be attacked from the bottom.  I guess you could switch it with the lone Wall at the bottom but then it won't cover the Town Hall.  Where it is now at least does a little.  You could also swap it with the Air Defense but then you become vulnerable to air attacks.  So, this is where it ended up.  Not everything can be perfect.

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