Monday, January 20, 2014

Town Hall - Level 6 - Hybrid

Now it's time to start getting serious about splash damage. When you reach Town Hall 6 you're going to get another Mortar and another Wizard Tower. Other notable additions are 2 more Spring Traps, a Giant Bomb, and some more Gold Mines and Elixer Collectors. Oh, and Healers!! The Giant/Healer combo is an excellent strategy against other Town Hall 6 bases. I used this up until around 1200 trophies.

Below are several charts on the available buildings at Town Hall 6. They show some very valuable information. Please always double check the wiki to make sure these values are up-to-date. The graphic I use to represent each building in my layout is also shown on the far right.

Defensive Buildings

Resource Buildings?

Army Buildings?

Other Buildings?

Layout / Base Perimeter?
I used this layout through the majority of my Town Hall 6. This was when I started getting semi-serious about searching out Layout designs. I found this one online, either google or youtube, I can't remember. Regardless it worked fairly well. It had about 60/40% win/loss. So I wouldn't say I'd use it again if I were start back form the beginning.

I will say this, though. This layout design is incredibly fun to watch replays from. You wouldn't believe the number of people that will attack this layout from the bottom. It's hilarious watching TONS of Giants fly off the map. The 40% loss rate comes from those that figured out attacking from the bottom was a bad idea.

Note: By now you should be getting close to 1250 trophies. If not you should push to get your third/fourth builder. I wouldn't recommend staying that high very long though. After you've gotten your 450 gems get back down under 1200 tophies. I have four shown here because that's what I had during this stage of the game. If you still don't have this many you can remove them from the corners as necessary.

Trap Placement
Like I said above, this is the main reason this layout is on this site. The Spring Trap placement is great for endless hours of laughs. Town Hall 6 is a great time for the Giant/Healer combo as there is just one Air Defense to take out. Because of this many attackers will attack from the bottom to try to get to the Air Defense so conveniently placed behind your Spring Traps.

This ensues for great replay shares as Giant after Giant goes flying off into the stratosphere demolishing any hope of a effective combo going off.

Mortar Coverage
The Mortars in this design are covering almost all of the base. Any Goblins or Barbarians trying to take out your resources are going to be bombarded with Mortar shell after Mortar shell.

Wizard Tower Coverage
The Wizard Towers backup the Mortars very well in this layout. They also cover the town hall and Storages. The Gold Storages will be out of range of Archers if they advance from the top of the map though. Looking now you could switch an Elixer Storage with a Gold Storage to balance things out. I'm not going to update all my pictures for this but just know that you can do so if you desire.

Cannon Coverage
This is where I don't particularly like this layout. The Cannons are very concentrated near the bottom of the layout. It makes sense to have a lot of defense near the bottom to take care of Giant stragglers but it leaves the north side of the base vulnerable. I guess to get a better triangular figuration you could switch the Cannon with the Archer tower to the right of the Clan Castle but I'm not sure that would make a whole lot of difference as the two defense on the bottom right are still right next to each other.

Archer Tower Coverage
The Archer Towers are fairly spread out over the base. The section to the right that is open is covered by the two Cannons.

Air Defense Coverage
Air Defense is right smack dab in the middle of the base. This forces your opponent to work for their trophies. They will have to go through several layers before destroying it.

Clan Castle Reinforcements
The Clan Castle is at the top to cover the holes in this base. It is essential for this design that it is well equipped with defensive units. (Archers, Wizards, Dragons) If it is not you're base will quite possibly be taken.

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