Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ninjas Guide to Dark Elixir for TH7 and TH8

Since I have finally started getting closer to maxing out my defenses at Town Hall 7, I have been looking into Dark Elixer Raiding. I just finished getting my Barbarian King and let me tell you, it seemed like forever before I got him! Now that I have him, I've decided that it's time to start maxing out the rest of my dark Elixer stuff. My research brought me to this guide:


I haven't tried any of Ninja's methods yet but they sound like they will work really well. Like I said, I still have a few defenses to upgrade but once I do I will be trophy pushing to 1500 so I can begin my Dark Elixer farming.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Co-Leaders are coming!

Very excited about this new piece of information!!  We now have clan ranks!  Shucked Rules & Regulations will be changing accordingly once this is added.


Other sneak peaks below:




Friday, January 24, 2014

Elder Talk - Frostbite

And now it's time for another segment of Elder Talk. This is a series where elders give advice, opinions, or suggestions. Or whatever else is on their minds. Today's post comes from Roam:

He says, "You young kids need to wear hats!" His advice comes shortly after standing outside in -25 degree weather and getting a nasty case of ear frostbite. Moral to this story? Us hermits don't freeze body parts.

Stay inside. Play Clash of Clans!

This has been Elder Talk. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Chief Pat's Town Hall Fail

Chief Pat is a regular YouTube clasher. His videos are very helpful and insightful. This, however, is a pretty funny one.  Thought I'd share!


Elder Talk - Barbarians

And now it's time for a new segment called Elder Talk. This is a series where elders give advice, opinions, or suggestions. Or whatever else is on their minds. Today's post comes from UnseeN.OmG:

He says, "Anyone who donates 5 barbs when not requested delete game."

Seriously though, when a general request for Clan Castle troops is made it's always best to give Archers as a minimum. Archers are good defenders because they can defend against ground or air troops. They're also good cleanup when used for attacking. Moral to this story? Don't be a ... cheapskate.

This has been Elder Talk. Thanks for reading.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Town Hall - Level 6 - Hybrid

Now it's time to start getting serious about splash damage. When you reach Town Hall 6 you're going to get another Mortar and another Wizard Tower. Other notable additions are 2 more Spring Traps, a Giant Bomb, and some more Gold Mines and Elixer Collectors. Oh, and Healers!! The Giant/Healer combo is an excellent strategy against other Town Hall 6 bases. I used this up until around 1200 trophies.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Town Hall - Level 6 - Farming

Now it's time to start getting serious about splash damage. When you reach Town Hall 6 you're going to get another Mortar and another Wizard Tower. Other notable additions are 2 more Spring Traps, a Giant Bomb, and some more Gold Mines and Elixer Collectors. Oh, and Healers!! The Giant/Healer combo is an excellent strategy against other Town Hall 6 bases. I used this up until around 1200 trophies.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Town Hall - Level 6 - Trophy Hunting

Now it's time to start getting serious about splash damage.  When you reach Town Hall 6 you're going to get another Mortar and another Wizard Tower.  Other notable additions are 2 more Spring Traps, a Giant Bomb, and some more Gold Mines and Elixer Collectors.  Oh, and Healers!!  The Giant/Healer combo is an excellent strategy against other Town Hall 6 bases.  I used this up until around 1200 trophies.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Town Hall - Level 5 - Farming

Now we're starting to have some fun!  Wizards, Towers, and Spells oh my!  Town Hall 5 brings with it the ability to train Wizards and make a Wizard Tower.  Spells can be useful later on but aren't as important at this level.  See my explanation of attacking with Lightning Spells in my Attacking Guidelines post.

Town Hall - Level 5 - Trophy Hunting

Now we're starting to have some fun!  Wizards, Towers, and Spells oh my!  Town Hall 5 brings with it the ability to train Wizards and make a Wizard Tower.  Spells can be useful later on but aren't as important at this level.  See my explanation of attacking with Lightning Spells in my Attacking Guidelines post.

Town Hall - Level 4 - Farming

Town Hall 4 adds a few things to your base but nothing to write home about.  It's just one Town Hall in your way before you can get that Wizard Tower!  Additions for this level Town Hall are another Archer Tower, Air Defense, Spring Traps, and another Barracks.

Town Hall - Level 4 - Trophy Hunting 2

Town Hall 4 adds a few things to your base but nothing to write home about.  It's just one Town Hall in your way before you can get that Wizard Tower!  Additions for this level Town Hall are another Archer Tower, Air Defense, Spring Traps, and another Barracks.

Town Hall - Level 4 - Trophy Hunting 1

Town Hall 4 adds a few things to your base but nothing to write home about.  It's just one Town Hall in your way before you can get that Wizard Tower!  Additions for this level Town Hall are another Archer Tower, Air Defense, Spring Traps, and another Barracks.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

About the Leader

Shuck has had many years experience in the leadership of clans.  Going back to the days when City of Heroes still existed, he managed a successful Paragon Stones super group for several years.  Later he moved on to Champions Online where again he created a successful super group known as the Extant Force.

Known as Roxstar then, he was highly involved in the community. Shuck not only managed his super group but also maintained the ChampionBuilder which allowed players to pre-build their character's stats offline and maximize their effectiveness.  He also campaigned for new powersets to be added into the game.  Shuck was an essential part of the Wind and Earth sets being considered and then added to Champions Online.  Later Roxstar, his character, would be immortalized as the face of the Earth set.

Shuck is dedicated to God, his family, and his clan.  His best interest is that each member succeed at being the best that they can be.  This website is a testament to that.  The guides and examples here are to help and improve the members of his clan as well as the rest of the Clash of Clans community.  He is here to serve.

Attacking Guidelines

I'm not going to go into great detail here as I feel I still have a lot to learn about attacking.  Plus Flammy's Guide provides a pretty good foundation for attacking.  My intentions for this guide is more of a "what I've learned" type of guide.  I'll update this throughout my playing time as I discover more "tricks" to attacking.

Town Hall - Level 3 - Hybrid

Town Hall 3 starts to get interesting.  You can now rebuild the Clan Castle and start seeking out Clans!  Notable additions to this Town Hall: the Mortar and the Laboratory.  The Mortar adds an absolutely necessary splash damage to your defense and the Laboratory lets you start upgrading your troops.  Upgrading your troops quickly is essential to having productive raids.

Town Hall - Level 3 - Farming

Town Hall 3 starts to get interesting.  You can now rebuild the Clan Castle and start seeking out Clans!  Notable additions to this Town Hall: the Mortar and the Laboratory.  The Mortar adds an absolutely necessary splash damage to your defense and the Laboratory lets you start upgrading your troops.  Upgrading your troops quickly is essential to having productive raids.

Town Hall - Level 3 - Trophy Hunting

Town Hall 3 starts to get interesting.  You can now rebuild the Clan Castle and start seeking out Clans!  Notable additions to this Town Hall: the Mortar and the Laboratory.  The Mortar adds an absolutely necessary splash damage to your defense and the Laboratory lets you start upgrading your troops.  Upgrading your troops quickly is essential to having productive raids.

Town Hall - Level 2 - Hybrid

Town Hall 2 is very similar to Town Hall 1 in that you should still have your beginning shield up.  The main additions here are the Archer Tower and your walls.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Town Hall - Level 1 - Hybrid

There's not much to be said about Town Hall 1 and I doubt many at that level will even care to seek information regarding a defensive layout.  Especially considering beginners have a 3 day shield.  Regardless, I think everyone needs to start somewhere so here's my layout design for anyone who want to use it.

Base Defensive Layouts

Under Construcion!

As you may have come to discover, searching Google and Youtube can be extremely frustrating when trying to find that right base layout.  I believe I started looking for layouts around Town Hall 5.  Before then I was clueless.  I did this up until I reached Town Hall 7 with a decent amount of success.  It's my hope that these layouts will help some of those lower levels avoid defensive loss frustrations.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Shuck's Defense Guide

As a Clan Leader I feel that it is my duty to help my clan succeed as much as humanly possible.  I have been asked for base advice on multiple occasions from fellow clan members and while I don't claim to be an expert, I give what knowledge I can.  I created this guide because I felt I could explain things better here than several back and forth conversations in the Clan chat.  Also, it was starting to get very repetitive.  Now I can refer someone to this page when needed.

Welcome to the Shucked Clan

So I have no idea when I did it but apparently I deleted my welcome message.  So...

Welcome (Again) to the Shucked Clan Blog!!!

I am pleased that you've stopped by to check out the clan page.  I will be using this space to post detailed explaination of the clan rules, defensive guides, achievements, youtube links related to Clash of Clans, or you know, anything I deem worthy for Shucked clan members to take a gander at.  My intention is to strengthen the clan through knowledge of the game.

I also wanted to give a shout out to our member, Roam, who made our clan logo!  You can check out his website, http://pixellant.com/.  You can commission him to do your own logo or build an entire website.

Rules & Regulations

The first post I want to make is regarding Shucked Rules & Regulations. The character limit the game offers in the clan description is quite limiting so I will use this page to elaborate.